Music academy

Niroj Satpathy

Niroj Satpathy

Niroj Satpathy



11 Years


Fine-Arts Instructor

About Instructor

Mr Satpathy is a great fine-arts teacher & a professional artist. He has completed his Masters in Fine
Arts from Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. He possesses exceptional art abilities and knowledge
of various art techniques. His excellent verbal and listening skills facilitate regular interactions with
students. They enable him to supervise groups of students and easily and clearly explain art
assignments, art techniques, art materials, art history and aesthetics. He responds to their questions and
concerns and encourages them to express their unique ideas and opinions and become more creative.
He has strong empathetic skills that enable him to better understand his students’ emotional cues. He
listens to what they are saying verbally and non-verbally and shows sensitivity and understanding
towards their opinions and perspectives. He provides them with the support and encouragement they
need to perform well in art class and beyond.

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