Music academy

Kalanidhi Sivarajan


Kalanidhi Sivarajan



25 years


Bharatanatyam Instructor

About Instructor

Kalanidhi Sivarajan is a proficient Bharatanatyam & Kuchipudi dancer & instructor. He is supremely talented having obtained his master in three disciplines, viz. Psychology, Human Rights & Hindi. He works as a PGT at St Mary’s Public School, Delhi. He has been conferred with Kalanidhi title by Kerala Kalamandalam for his exemplary achievements in Bharatanatyam dance. A totally devoted teacher who is affectionate towards his students & inspires them. We found him dedicated, passionate, sensitive to the needs of his students & extremely hard working. Under his tutelage, the students revelled in the rigid and strict interpretation of the dance form. He is keenly interested in the progress of his students, identifies their strengths & builds upon their weaknesses.

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