Music academy

Rules & Regulations

Affiliations & Exams

The institute works six days a week. It remains closed on Tuesday, all national holidays and for about ten days during summer & winter vacations. The schedule of holidays are displayed on the institute’s notice board from time to time.

Fee & Registration

  • Admission fee is non- refundable.
  • The term fee is subject to revision from time to time.
  • Rs.100 will be charged in case of late submission of fees.
  • The validity of registration is one month from the date of registration.
  • If a student remains absent for more than a month, his/her admission will be annulled. He/She has to attend at least one class in a month to avoid cancellation.
  • Students not paying fees in time will not be allowed to attend classes.
  • Students who renew their packages in time shall be retained in the existing batches.
  • The institute reserves the right to change a teacher assigned to a student at any point of time, if the need be.


  • The institute does not take any responsibility for a student beyond its premises.
  • Students have to carry ID Card, pencil, notebook to the class.
  • Students should attend all the classes on time.
  • Institute shall not be accountable in case a student misses a class. However, if the classes are not conducted due to non-availability of the faculty, institute will compensate for the same.
  • Student needs to pass the examinations to get certified with a Degree or a Diploma.
  • Live programmes/Shows arranged for the benefit of students from time to time will be treated as regular classes. Attendance at such “events” will be deemed compulsory and will be counted in lieu of the regular scheduled classes.
  • Students must attend all their classes within the specified term.
  • In case of any dispute, Principal’s / Management’s decision shall be considered final and irrevocable.